Have A Powerful Vision To Share?



A podcast to empower entrepreneurs with balance, freedom, and sustainable revenue growth.

July 23 2024

Tune in to learn Kareem's vision inspirational, miraculous, powerful and triumphant.Overcoming negative circumstances through positivity.

July 17 2024

Tune in to learn Ely's vision is to help others embrace the tools and tech we have to help us buy back our time so we can spend more time doing what's important... building actual relationships with the people we meet.

July 16 2024

Tune in to learn Jonathan's to help clarify your podcast vision, whether you're starting or refining your strategy.

July 12 2024

Tune in to learn Cody's vision is to talk about building self-confidence, mindset, physical health and entrepreneurship.

July 10 2024

Tune in to learn Karim's vision is to support our BHAG 1,000,000 low-income children by 2030.

July 2 2024

Tune in to learn Justin's vision is to tour Europe with the DJs I write songs for and I will sing the songs I wrote for them live at the biggest dance festivals in the world.

June 28 2024

Tune in to learn Jason's vision to the endless pursuit of money over all else, those who deep down know something is wrong with society’s view of the “American Dream”, and who have sacrificed everything most important to them on the altar of worldly success. Contrasting the “Millionaire Mindset” with the Lifeonaire Philosophy, you will see… Lifeonaires live, play and work by a different set of rules; ones they create.

June 26 2024

Tune in to learn Timothy's vision to have 100 coliving houses across Austin, Texas. We currently have 7.

June 25 2024

Tune in to learn Stephen's vision to help every health and wellness entrepreneur accomplish their dreams!

June 21 2024

Tune in to learn Aaron's vision to be the leading pioneer in the human services and family entertainment industries by providing the most comprehensive and uplifting services to individuals and families and expanding our presence from one community to the next. Our vision will be impactful because we are taking a fresh, unique approach to services that nearly everyone utilizes.

June 19 2024

Tune in to learn Pete's vision to gain more freedom, more time, and maybe a little more control over their own life? As a multipreneur and certified business coach, I am passionate about entrepreneurialism and helping business owners and leaders succeed.

June 18 2024

Tune in to learn Amber's vision for help others feel seen, heard, loved, and valued. She is highly fulfilled in her work which centers around helping impact-driven influencers (both big and small) get their message out to the world in the most efficient and powerful way through digital marketing opportunities.

June 17 2024

Tune in to learn Hepsie's vision to generate awareness and desire for change to move from a masculine business strategy to creating its own rhythm, incorporating more feminine ways of working.

June 14 2024

Tune in to learn Theadora's vision to better align with our mission. I'm excited to offer expert strategies aimed at assisting newcomers in starting their podcasts. I deeply value the importance of sharing and preserving our personal and professional tales. I've witnessed the impact of attempts to obscure or alter and erase narratives, cultures, and heritages of BIPOC humans.

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